I thought I could type quickly, but Craig really does write vast amounts of books as you can see on his
amazon page. I first came across Craig's future-based comedy thriller
Spiggot, which was memorable for not only the poo Olympics but also a cracking story line.
Tiswas or Swap Shop?
Ha...I'm a TV snob and always will be. I don't watch TV anymore, but back in days of yore it'd be Beeb all the way, so, Swap Shop!
What's your latest book about?
It's a slightly odd supernatural horror, concerning a guy who reaches rock bottom and makes a fateful decision to move away from the high life in London to quieter shores, by the sea in Norfolk. They move to The Estate (cunningly, the title of the book), and discover a dark and terrible entity has taken it over.
That's the nutshell version. It's an intensely personal book, I think. I wrote it longhand (the only time I've ever done that) and there's a lot of myself in it. It's close to my heart, being my first horror novel. I think my publisher Crowded Quarantine Publications and the cover artist Jethro Lentle have done me proud. It will be out in Hardback, Trade Paperback and Digital formats Halloween 2013.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Time was, I'd have said Wars, but now, with the benefit of hindsight it's got to be Trek. The depth of character, the humanism, the invention, world building, longevity...ooh, I could go on for hours about Trek and it's various interpretations, but in short, Trek all the way.
Where do you write?
I write in the MAN CAVE! Or, to be more accurate, the shed. It's a little better than a shed, but yeah...it's a shed. I write on the 'puter, freeze in the winter, boil in the summer. There's a toilet and the kitchen's not far, plus I can smoke in my shed. And, I've got a rug.
Here's a picture of THE SHED:
Ninja Turtle or Touche Turtle?
Can't say I've ever seen Touche Turtle, but I know what it is and it seems cute. Ninja Turtles? Don't like them - too violent, especially the modern iterations. I like to keep my kids' off things that make them all fighty!
Is your writing inspired by real events or does it all come from a dark place in your head?
Honestly? Boring answer is, I'm just typing. Stuff comes out. I guess I lean toward the dark, but then horror's not really about the dark, is it? It's just contrast, I think, in a greater battle between good and evil. I'm quite nice, really. I like nice people and happy endings...but horror lets those 'good' characters shine in a way that other genres sometimes don't.
Plus, I think I'm a fantasist at heart, and my horror, I think, is just an excuse for me to play mental cosplay.
Does that make sense? I don't think it does.
Read G.R.R. Martin's Rretrospective collections for better explanation of 'why horror'. But...(checks question again!) Sometimes it's inspired by places, more often, it's just me, typing and telling lies.
Grange Hill or Harry Hill?
Harry Hill. I hate angst.
Physical book or e-book?
Physical! I have a Kindle, but I have to admit, I'm not overly fond of it.
Prisoner Cell block H or H from Steps?
Ha...that's a tricky one. Never seen one, and I think H is the blonde guy? I guess H from Steps, because I think Prisoner Cell Block H is probably some kind of drama, and I'm allergic to all but kids' TV!
Where can we find you?
In real life, I'm a denizen of Norfolk. But in the virtual world, you can find me by typing in 'Craig Saunders' in Amazon, or, as craigrsaunders on blogspot and my FB author page, or @petrifiedtank on Twitter.