Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Allotment Again

So it's that time of year when the last thing any sane person is doing is digging in the allotment during a gale. Despite the fact you get cold, wet and possibly catch a cold, it can also damage the soil structure if you dig when it's too wet. Seriously, that is true.

Luckily, the allotment is on the side of a hill and so drains well, meaning I've caught up a bit on the winter digging (which is digging you're supposed to do before winter starts, not halfway through.)

Anyway, the only produce growing is sprouts, leeks and parsnips, and the 'snips are tiny this year (I'm blaming the poor summer weather), however garlic and shallots are already in and sort of growing.

Photo from last week a day or so after the snow. Have to admit the allotment looks a bit of a state in this, but it always looks worse than it really is.

The greenhouse hasn't suffered any more damage recently. Which is nice. I have been offered some glass which will fit the lower panels, so it should be back in action later in the year.

Finally, the shed. I am sort of tidying it up, but it's slow work as every time I try I have a coffee. The roof needs re-felting, part of it blew off recently and is now covered with an old compost bag weighed down with bricks.

So that's it. I've got more time this year so I'm hoping to get more grown. The seed order's just come through and I've got water melons. If they grow it'll be a miracle.