Monday, 29 April 2013

Seven Daze pre-ordering

Ahead of its release on 27th May, Seven Daze is now available to pre-order from Caffeine-Nights' website..

Clicky the link here if you'd like to pre-order.

It's all getting a bit real and exciting now, isn't it.

Monday, 15 April 2013


Like many other middle-aged grumpy sods, I've taken the plunge and got an allotment. The advantages of having one are:

1. You can store all manner of useless crap in the shed that you're not allowed to have at home.

2. Somewhere to escape / run away to when DIY around the house needs doing.

3. You can also grow vegetables or something.

Seriously though, as I've been growing tomatoes and chilies the past few years, it kind of made sense to take the next step. There are a few problems though.

Firstly, the "plot" (as they're called)

Yeah,  it needs a bit of digging and tidying. Although according to the allotment manager bloke, the soil beneath all the cack is fantastic. In case you're wondering, that is an old bath tub to the middle right of the picture. Filled with algae and stagnant water, the previous "tenant" (as allotment holders are called) was apparently trying to make a pond there. And also, yes, that big pile at the end is horse manure that my lucky neighbour has. Hopefully it'll be gone before it gets too hot and smells of ... well, smells of what it actually is.

In time (next year, as it's too late now for me to dig it all over and set seeds this year) I'll be able to grow all kinds of vegetables and stuff. This year I should be able to get a few rows of spinach, sprouts, strawberries and other delights in.

Firstly, though, the shed and greenhouse that came with it need a bit of attention

The shed has a big hole in the side (not to mention the lean that makes the tower of  Pisa look straight), the greenhouse has half the panes and the door missing and the lock is rusted onto the shed door. The good news is (as can sort of be seen in the photo) there are two fruit trees, an established if overgrown rhubarb patch and somewhere under the netting are strawberry plants.

All this for just £20 a year. Bargain.