Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Allotment a year on

So it's been a year since i took the plunge, paid twenty quid and joined the bad back brigade of allotmentising oldies.

Before and after pics

Not quite from the same spot but you get the general idea.

Spring cabbages, broad beans and new potatoes are now in. The sixty odd strawberry plants are now just starting to flower.

Looking the other way

Almost the same position. The bath is still in situ (has water lillies and frogspawn in it), the last of the winter cabbages and broccoli is about all uou can see growing this way, but there are 200 onions and shallots and garlic towards the end of the plot. There's also a big pile of manure too.

I haven't got round to rebuilding the greenhouse or shed yet, but it's been an experience. What I've saved in vegetables I've probably spent buying smaller clothes due to weight loss, but overall I've enjoyed it and have paid the twenty quid for another year.